Forest clippings and links #1

Topics: How did the bear abundance in Slovenia and Croatia change during the past 20 years, Forests as places of peace and joy in PEFC Slovenia’s photo contest, | Source: PEFC website Ten-Year Responses of Underplanted Northern Red Oak to Silvicultural Treatments, Herbivore Exclusion, and Fertilization, New Environmental justice MOOC

Trip to Portland, Oregon, USA

I recently got a chance to visit the USA for the first time during a business trip to Portland, Oregon for a forest communicators workshop. It has always been my wish to visit the USA, and they didn't disappoint. Impressions about the USA based on a visit to Oregon The natural beauty of Oregon is … Continue reading Trip to Portland, Oregon, USA

Kako do novih delovnih mest v gozdno-lesnem sektorju?

Do novih delovnih mest v gozdno-lesnem sektorju z naprednimi tehnologijami in ne s povečevanjem poseka V slovenski družbi smo se končno začeli zavedati pomena naših gozdov ter lesa kot edine gospodarsko pomembne surovine. Država je s sprejetjem Akcijskega načrta za povečevanje konkurenčnosti gozdno-lesne verige v Sloveniji do leta 2020 “Les je lep” vrednostno verigo lesa … Continue reading Kako do novih delovnih mest v gozdno-lesnem sektorju?